Wow, it has been quite a while since I have updated this blog! In the future I will try to give more frequent updates. For anyone interested, I usually post up all kinds of information and previews and such over at the tactical command forums. I have my own sub-forum there now, so definitely check it out:
Now, onto some housekeeping issues. I will be traveling from April 19th - April 28th, so any orders placed between those dates will be shipped out on the 29th. You will notice that I am low on a great many Dark Realm items, I am currently waiting on a big restock, so stock levels will be updated upon its arrival. One more thing of note, the Komodo and Infernus tanks from the TEF line are currently out of production. They have suffered some mold failure and I am not comfortable selling them at their current quality. I am going to be working with the sculptor to try to redesign them in a way more conducive to spin-casting, but I don't really know how long they are going to be gone for.
Some unhappy news, several weeks ago, the USPS increased their shipping rates for international orders, and my shipping costs have increased by about 40%. Now, I have tried to keep my shipping very low, probably the lowest you will find specifically because I have a great deal of international customers, and I know many of them get hit with punitive taxes and customs fees when they order. I'm afraid I am going to have to increase my International shipping charges to an $8 flat rate (up from $5). I tried to put it off, but the charges are just killing me. Domestic shipping will remain at the $5 flat rate.
Now, onto more pleasant topics, new and upcoming releases! The next army due for release sometime in July is called The Firmament. Basically, it is an army of molemen warriors and geomancers who command stone constructs and earth elementals. Units include molemen with pick axes, claw weapons, drill-spears, and magic crystal tipped pikes. They are supported by Stonemen warriors and spearmen, large earth elemental warriors and a 28mm tall Earth Titan, among other special units.
What will the rest of the year look like? For late Fall/Early Winter I plan on releasing some long-awaited special and heavy weapon packs for the Foundationist infantry, just to finish off the range. I also have a huge "evil human" type army coming out around then, with something like 13 different codes to purchase. I have some concept art for them up on the forum I discussed above, the army name will be "The Dark Alliance", mostly because it contains a mix of knights, barbarians and monsters.