Well, it has taken a couple of months, but I’m pretty sure just about everything is now on the site. There have been some changes in the release schedule. First, there were some mold failures for the TEF Superheavy and support vehicle. Whether or not they will need retooling is still unknown, but we are definitely looking at a delay on those.
The next release was supposed to be some anthropomorphic elephants, gorillas and rhinos and such. These have had some prototyping problems, I haven’t really decided on the future of these yet. But, we must forge ahead and so I have moved the release schedule about.
The dwarves are finally in moldmaking, and should hopefully be released some time in February. After that, most likely in March, will be 3 packs of 6mm insectoid scifi infantry which will make up the first part of our 4th 6mm scifi army, the Kreen.
June will see the release of the 2nd wave of Lizardriders. These are a long time coming so I am pretty excited about it. The release will feature a rather large Brachiosaur, a couple of variants of Anklyosaurus (light assault and support), an Allosaurus assault unit, and a triceratops IFV and assault variant.
The timing of everything after that kind of depends on how sales turn out. Definitely in the schedule are a 6mm fantasy “Evil” Elf army (Dread Elves), as well as a bunch of walkers/mechs for the Kreen. Whether or not I fit a fifth big release also depends on sales, but it would likely be either additional Foundationist infantry and battlesuit packs, or an Elven Kingdom army (good elves).